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Workshop: Exploring Epistemic Dimensions in Social Psychology and beyond, May 16

What: Pre-conference: Exploring Epistemic Dimensions in Social Psychology and Beyond

When: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 9.30-12.00am.

Where: University of Helsinki, Main building

Register HERE by April 30.

Curious about the deeper epistemic dimensions of your research? Concerned with the line when epistemic injustice turns into epistemicide?

Whether you're just starting to consider these aspects or already delving into them, our workshop "Exploring Epistemic Dimensions in Social Psychology and Beyond" is your opportunity to dive deeper. This engaging event, co-organised by the DECA project, is part of the Social Psychology Days at the University of Helsinki, and it's designed to illuminate the rich epistemic layers underlying various societal problems and research areas in social psychology.

The pre-conference will include a lecture by Dr Beth Patin (Syracuse University's School of Information Studies) on epistemicide and epistemic injustice.

For more info, visit conference webpage.


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