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Report from the Migrant Rights X Finnish Immigration Policies event

A public forum to discuss the effects of the proposed immigration laws in the government programme on the rights of diverse migrant groups in Finland was organized August 25 at the Oodi Library in Helsinki. DECA's Minna Horowitz participated the event and wrote a summary report on it.

The event was organized by Prof. Nitin Sawhney (Trust-M), Dr. Johanna Leinonen (Mobile Futures), and Dr. Nick Walters & Ditmar Hasanaj (Helsinki LEFT ry). The aim of the public forum was to engender conversation between the public and experts, to help understand the implications of the programme, raise awareness of concerns, offer an opportunity for public dialogue, hear the opinions of experts and civil society, and develop a collective action plan on how to address the concerns.

Event materials, such as the presentation slides, pictures and videos can be found on the Trut-M -project's webpage.

Read the Summary Report of the Event below.


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