Epistemic Rights Webinar, Friday 5 April

When? Friday 5 April, 2024 @10h00 UTC / 11h00 London / 12h00 Paris / 13h00 Nairobi / 15h30 Kolkata / 18h00 Beijing.
Where? The meeting will take place on Zoom. Pre-registered participants will receive personal invitations 24 hours before the webinar begins. Pre-registration is required by 3 April. Register here.
Who can participate? The webinar is open to all IAMCR members but space is restricted. A limited number of guest invitations for non-members may be available. Fill out this form to request being added to the guest list. Not sure if you're a member? Check the membership directory. If you are not a member of IAMCR, you can join here.
In today’s complex era of digital disruption, i it is not enough to simply speak about communication rights or even digital rights. We need a more comprehensive term to grasp the multifaceted challenges for the current situation to citizens, organizations, and democratic structures as a whole. In a functioning democracy, citizens should be equally capable of making informed choices about matters of societal importance. This claim includes a further claim that citizens have equal access to all relevant information and knowledge necessary for informed will formation.
In this webinar, we introduce selected key themes and approaches of a new, open-access book ‘Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption (Palgrave MacMillan, IAMCR book series). The volume is intended as a first holistic response to an urgent need to address epistemic rights pertaining to communication as a central public policy issue, as an academic analytical concept, as well as a central theme for informed public debates.
After short comments about the concept of epistemic rights and empirical case studies, we open the floor to the general discussion about the ‘epistemic turn’ in media and communication studies.
Listen to this 5-minute introduction to the book
The book is available for open access on the publisher's site.
Chair and foreword: Claudia Padovani
- Lani Watson - What are epistemic rights?
- Hannu Nieminen - Why do we need the concept of epistemic rights in communication research?
- Tendai Chari - Case of analysing epistemic rights: Authoritarianism and Epistemic Rights in the Global South: Unpacking Internet Shutdowns in Zimbabwe
- Philip Napoli - Case of analysing epistemic rights: Epistemic Rights, Information Inequalities, and Public Policy
- Kirsi Hantula - Commentary: Using the framework of epistemic rights in AI policy work
Q&A Moderators: Minna Aslama Horowitz and Katja Lehtisaari
Convened by: IAMCR Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies and Global Media Policy Working Groups, in cooperation with The Democratic Epistemic Capacities in the Age of Algorithms (DECA) research consortium, Communication Rights in the Age of Digital Disruption (CORDI) research consortium, and Tampere Research Centre for Russian and Chinese Media (TaRC).
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